A bit of horror for this blog post. Jump on
Shapeways or
Ebay and summon up demons with this series of Demon Summoning Circles!
There are three sizes.
Large Circle have creepy writing around the pentagram (yes, it does
translate as something, but I'm not telling you what it is) and also
fire dishes on the top of each pillar. Great for summoning up a large
demon and plenty of space for the dangling tentacles, claws, wings etc!
It measures 15cm across and 4.5cm high. You can by it on
ebay or
medium summoning circle also has creepy writing carved into the living
rock with channels from each pillar forming a pentagram. The channels
can run with glowing demon plasma, or lava, or blood! This one measures
7cm across and 1.5 cm high. You can by them on
ebay or
small circle is a pentagram that can act as a base for a figure or a
marker token. This little pentagram measures is 3cm across and 0.5cm
high. These on
ebay as a pack of three or on Shapeways as a
single circle or
three pack.